When becoming a parent inspires humorous reflections
As you may know, my partner and I recently became parents. My experience of giving birth led me to reflect on a well-known phenomenon: the origin of the famous “dad joke”.
What are dad jokes?
Dad jokes” are characterized by their simple wordplay, sometimes even a little ‘flat’, which makes us laugh in spite of ourselves or, failing that, roll our eyes. But why do we associate them mainly with fathers?
A hypothesis linked to childbirth
After my Caesarean section, the surgeon had cut my abdominal muscles, making every muscle contraction excruciatingly painful. As a result, laughter was a luxury I couldn’t afford, and I often begged my partner not to make me laugh. That’s when it hit me: “dad jokes” are there to lighten the mood without causing uncontrollable giggles.
What if I’d given birth vaginally? Perhaps I would have experienced other discomforts, such as bladder leakage or pelvic tension exacerbated by laughter. In either case, these good-natured jokes play an important role: relaxing new mothers while respecting their physical state. So, long live “dad jokes”!
For optimum preparation for childbirth
If you’re expecting, consider consulting our physiotherapists who specialize in perineal and pelvic rehabilitation. They can help you make the most of your post-partum experience and reduce discomfort, whether physical or laughter-related!
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Marie-Hélène Nadeau
Physiotherapist and owner