More and more, we hear about the 2nd brain which would be the intestine… but what is it really? How could my intestine, whose main function is to “eliminate”, be a brain?
First, the intestine has so many more functions than eliminating waste from our body! With its impressive size, when completely unfolded, its function is to absorb a good number of nutrients and vitamins, water, water and more water (you still need to drink enough…), to train our immune cells, to produce certain hormones including serotonin and dopamine and… yes, to eliminate everything that our body no longer needs.
This impressive organ also has its particular nervous entity which is called the enteric nervous system. According to recent studies, this nervous system directly connected to the central nervous system (brain) would communicate by a two-way “highway” in particular.
This is how digestive disorders can influence mood, and how mood and daily stresses influence digestive health. Does that make sense to you? This does it for me… I am particularly interested in this axis and I can clinically notice beneficial changes by addressing the digestive sphere and the cranial sphere from a perspective of overall health, at all levels. And you, how is your belly?
The osteopath is trained to specifically address the cranial and visceral sphere. It will be my pleasure to teach you more about these fabulous normalizations of health.
Mélissa Laroche