We live in an era where everything is going at an incredible speed. We work crazy hours and then we have to go pick up our children at daycare. Not to mention the many sporting and social activities for the whole family. No need to say more, we all have a very busy schedule and we do not take the time to give ourselves a moment of respite that would allow us to evacuate all this accumulated stress.
Stress is indeed considered as the disease of the century and is unfortunately part of the daily life of many people. It therefore represents a potential threat to health.
Massage therapy, on the other hand, is an effective method to manage your stress. It is first known to relieve tired and sore muscles, but a good massage can also stimulate the production of endorphins.
These substances produced in the brain have many abilities:
- relieve stress
- ease the pain
- stimulate the immune system
- promote sleep
- reduce anxiety
- boost self-esteem
- and even slow down the aging process.
A massage can thus dissipate all physical tensions resulting in a level of mental relaxation. You will feel deeply relaxed, your mind calm and your sleep will be greatly improved.
Regular massage therapy appointments can help prevent a state of chronic stress, significantly reduce its effects while maintaining long-term balance.